Connect Groups @ 9am  +  Worship @ 10am 


Everyone is welcome to gather with us on Sundays.  It is a time we set aside each week to gather as a family to worship Jesus through prayer, song, preaching, and singing.  


Each week we sing together to reflect on the amazing work of God through his Son Jesus, remembering the power of the Holy Spirit in our life.  You will hear live music and singing that celebrates who God is and what He’s done.  You will hear the word of God proclaimed in a way that is relevant and gospel-centered.  


We also provide Sunday School & Sunday Courses at 9:00 am for growing in wisdom and discernment for all ages.  Look below for your area of interest.

KIDS  |  Connect Groups + Kids Zone + Nursery

Flatwoods has a lot of children!  We make it our aim to provide a lively, safe, and gospel-centered environment for kids.  

Nursery  |  9am & 10am
Sunday School  |  9am
Kids Zone  | 10 am (during our gathering)

When you arrive our volunteers will point you in the right direction to get your children checked in at 9:00 am.  We strive to teach in a way that elevates the story of the Bible so that children come to understand the hope of the gospel.

During our worship gathering, we provide Nursery & Kids Zone (3 yrs old – 1st Grade).  We provide a safe and fun environment for children.  Drop in early on a Sunday to get your children checked in.

STUDENTS  |  7th - 12th

Students have the option of adding Bible Study at 9 am.  Students are led by excellent leaders who strive to make scripture relevant to students.  


If you come at 9:00 am we Connect Groups that are aimed at developing wisdom and discernment for everyday life. Here is a listing with details.  




Our mid-week gathering happens within the context of groups.  We start at 6:00 pm and all groups last about 1 hour.

KIDS [Nursery-6th grade]

Kids are provided with age-specific areas of biblical learning where we hope they fall in love with Jesus.  We strive to provide a safe and fun environment as kids develop into followers of Jesus.


STUDENTS | ROOTS [7th-12th]

We provide students with an exciting environment of community, driven by a focus on Jesus.  Students enjoy live music, games, food, and gospel-centered teaching.  We also utilize solid adult leaders who help create an environment of wisdom, relevance, and relationship.


Ladies have the option of jumping into group life on Wednesdays.  With two options, ladies will find a place where they can be honest, be accepted, and belong.

Ladies Groups 


Men can jump into a discipleship group designed for growing in manhood as a disciple of Jesus.  

Mens Groups



Wednesday Disciples is meant for all stages of life and is for those looking to discover what it means to live a life for Jesus in community and on mission.  If you want to be changed in knowing more about Jesus and how to live with gospel intentionality, this is for you.